Corporate Governance Charter

HLB will establish a corporate governance charter to define the correct management direction and
enhance its reputation as a trusted company. Through this charter,
we aim to share values with various stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, and employees.

Comparison with
Best Practices
Recommendations Acceptance Note
Introduction of a corporate governance charter
Implementation of an employee code of ethics
Composition of more than half of the board of directors as outside directors X 7 Executives, 3 Independent
Regular board meeting Once a month
Segregation of CEO and Board Chairman X
Providing pre-meeting information about directors Before the board meeting 1 day prior
Disclosure of Board of directors regulations
Disclosure of board activity details, attendance rate, and pros and cons on major agenda items
Establishment of an Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee
Formation of Remuneration Committee
Disclosure of corporate governance evaluation grade
Formation of an Audit Committee consisting of all outside directors
Introduction of regulations on the roles and operating procedures of the board of directors and various committees
Enrollment for director’s liability insurance for damages at the company’s expense. Executive compensation liability insurance (Annual renewal)
Evaluation of Board of Directors activities
Preservation of the independence of external auditors
Certification of the accuracy and completeness of financial reporting by the CEO and CFO
Explanation of the difference between Best Practices and Standards Home page
Violation of laws/regulations

(Unit: KRW, case)

Division 2020 2021 2022
Violation of environmental laws
Fine - - -
Number of violations - - -
Unfair trade practices, including anti-competitive behavior and monopolistic practices
(including corruption and bribery)
Fine - - -
Number of violations - - -
Violations in domestic marketing activities
Fine - - -
Number of violations - - -
Violation of customer information protection regulations
Fine - - -
Number of violations - - -
Violation of product information provision regulations
Fine - - -
Number of violations - - -
Violation of regulations related to counterfeit products
Fine - - -
Number of violations - - -
Violation of regulations related to clinical trials in developing countries
Fine - - -
Number of violations - - -
Number of incidents that violate legal regulations and self-regulation regarding the safety and health impacts of products and services Fine - - -
Number of violations - - -