Safety and Health goals

Establishment of a system to prevent major disasters

Safety and Health policy

Promoting an accident-free workplace with a focus on respecting individuals.

Management of Hazardous materials/Prevention of safety accidents
  • Identification and enhancement of
    tasks with musculoskeletal burdens

  • Health checkups and
    cerebrovascular risk assessments

  • Implementation of
    safety training

  • Appointment of management supervisors and execution of industrial accident prevention campaigns

  • Dangerous goods storage operations

  • MSDS training and posting of
    accident response instructions

  • Installation of Ivo system and
    fire detectors* for fire prevention
    *flame detectors, smoke detectors, temperature detectors

Safety and health management regulations Safety and health management system
Status of Establishing and Implementing Safety and Health Management System
No. Items Composition Implementation Plan Note
1 Establishment of safety and health goals and management policies
2 Establishment of a dedicated safety and health organization
3 Identification and improvement of workplace hazards and risk factors
4 Allocation and execution of safety and health-related budget
5 Support for the work performance of safety and health management managers, etc.
6 Deployment of professional personnel such as safety and health managers
7 Listen to workers’ opinions and verifying the implementation of improvement plans
8 Establishment of a serious disaster manual and biannual inspections
9 Ensuring safety and health standards for contracts, services, outsourcing, etc.